
Geology is not a simple science
``... By applying innovative technology
We are imagining without seeing...

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    Hidrology Hidrology
    Assessment of surface water resources; Study of hydraulic regime and water balance of surface water basins; Provision of formation, hydrological calculations and forecasts of surface water deposits; Construction of hydrometeorological stations, data processing and forecasting...
    Energy Energy
    Our country is among the countries with high potential for renewable energy sources. Thus, renewable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy, bioenergy and the economic potential of mountain rivers are highly valued. We select, evaluate and define the measures that need to be taken in order to exploit the potential of electricity production from renewable energy sources, design and installation work is carried out in this area.
    Engineering Engineering
    Geology, Geophysics, Geodesy, Construction Installation, Design and Design, Well Drilling, etc. Providing consulting services in areas requiring engineering; Preparation of relevant terms of reference and reports; Preparation of feasibility studies and environmental impact assessment reports in various fields...
    Repair and service Repair and service
    Automated remote control and management of equipment used in wells, warehouses, facilities and the oil industry. Ensuring maximum production performance and high-quality presentation of manufactured products by installing control measuring devices and providing periodic service services...
    Environment Environment
    During the implementation of various activities, the detection of negative effects on the environment, assessment of their scale and intensity, as well as preparation of a plan of measures for their elimination on reduction...